Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Power of Pressure!

We have been studying volcanoes and exploring the awesome, breathtaking power that is created by pressure. We did some experimentation with dry ice and have posted some video footage and pictures to show some of the fun we had while exploring this explosive phenomenon.


  1. Hi Room 18

    I really ike your movie about power of pressure. I hope you will learn heaps more about more exsperements.I really like the words that you have been writing. I couldn't evn say them. I would like to learn more about phenomenon.

  2. Hi room 18

    Ireally like your movie all about pressure & enjoyed how the lid popped off in 25 seconds.

    Yoursincerly Te Roimata

  3. Hi Room18
    I really. like how your calss had put on a moveie. about your..... but it was really cool to watch room18.I hope you do more.


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